
The summer months are gone, but that does not mean people have stopped taking vacations. On the contrary, autumn is a beautiful time to hit the road alone or with loved ones; there is so much to see.

What is great is that the huge July crowds aren’t around, and you get to enjoy some beautiful scenery.
If what you like is to see the fall colors, the Shenandoah Valley is a great place. And, we have pretty exciting news for all Civil War vacationers. There are some significant developments taking place in the Valley.

The Shenandoah Valley Battlefield Foundation (SVBF) received a major financial boost from the Virginia legislature. Virginia has appropriated $4.75 million to the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District. These funds will be used to increase public access to preserve lands, promote heritage tourism, and improve the visitor experience. As a result, seven new battlefield parks are planned.

The parks that will soon be open to the public include:
Second Winchester
Fisher’s Hill
New Market
Toms Brook
Cross Keys
Port Republic


The new battlefield development projects will result in construction work across Frederick, Shenandoah, Rockingham, and Highland counties of Virginia. As a result, the Shenandoah Valley Tourism Infrastructure Plan will also benefit. In addition, we can expect the completion of the Shenandoah Valley Civil War Museum and a New Market History and Education Center.

Existing battlefields that will benefit from creating new visitor services include Cedar Creek, Third Winchester, and Piedmont.

Virginia’s investment in the Civil War history of Shenandoah has already produced major benefits. For example, the National Park Service has conducted research that shows the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District supports nearly 4000 jobs and creates $291.3 million in annual economic impact.

Undeniable History

Anyone who is an American Civil War student knows the Shenandoah Valley’s importance to both sides. 502px-Stonewall_Jackson_-_National_Portrait_Gallery This was where Stonewall Jackson became a hero of the Confederacy. It is also where Philip Sheridan placed his mark on American history.

The Valley was the turnpike for Robert E. Lee as the Army of Northern Virginia made its way north. This was also one of the bread baskets of the South and kept Confederate troops supplied with food. The Valley was also the scene of one of the great tragedies of the war, as Sheridan devastated it in the autumn of 1864. All of this is available for a Civil War vacation and more.

sheridanThis is such a beautiful country! Some folks go back to New England to enjoy the colors of fall. It’s nice, but it is a costly vacation. The Shenandoah Valley is less expensive and just as beautiful. Harpers Ferry National Historic Park is an excellent stop for anyone touring this part of America. Going through the Shenandoah Valley is the kind of vacation all members of your family will enjoy.

We Need More Civil War Memories!

It is wonderful that the history of the American Civil War benefits communities with increased tourism. Why does it have to be just Virginia, however?

There are other states with important Civil War historic sites. These should not be commemorated with just a few stone markers and statues. Indeed, a Civil War battlefield creates interest in a wide area. Investing in a few places can benefit an entire county or region. That is reason enough for Civil War enthusiasts to lobby their legislatures for additional historic investment.

A great way to attract the government’s interest is to take a vacation to a Civil War Battlefield Park in your


state. An increase in tourism, and the revenue that comes from vacationers, can convince state governments to allocate money. If you had a wonderful time while taking a Civil War vacation, take a moment and write a letter to your local state representative or senator. Who knows? Correspondence to the right office might result in significant changes.

union cavalry